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Welcome to Texas

STAAR Publishing 


Texas STAAR Publishing, LLC  is a creator of print educational materials for the K-8 school market, and focuses  on supplemental instructional and practice materials that are based on the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills needed for the State of Texas STAAR assessment.

 "We Reach Out and Teach All Learners." 



Targeting STAAR Math in Texas target key areas in which many students need extra help in an RtI setting, special education setting, tutorial setting, and small group teacher instructional groups.  



Our materials are research-based, and focus on identifying and addressing key areas where students need support in order to go beyond their current limits. 



Important skills are retaught utilizing, I Do, in which vocabulary concepts are introduced, We Do, where teacher and students practice the skill concept together, and You Do, the student independent activity to assess for understanding after each lesson. 



The program employs research-based best practices to target and reteach important skills, concepts, and strategies, with hands on manipulation used throughout with students for transfer of skills.

Our products are research-based and focus on Texas standards. They help educators differentiate for all learners in individual classrooms so students can achieve academic success.  


Texas STAAR Publishing, LLC was founded in 2014 and works closely with curriculum writers in the areas of mathematics and English Language Arts in the development of products that inform academic instruction for various learners.  The workbooks diagnose, gives direct instruction, and assess the knowledge of students.  Targeting STAAR Math in Texas, was created specifically by math specialists for students needing RTI, special education students, and bilingual students needing dual language with the dual language book presenting English and Spanish lessons side by side. The book is user friendly and can be used by teachers, paraprofessionals, and tutors in providing small group instruction for students.  Each lesson in Targeting STAAR Math in Texas consists of three main parts:

I DO is teacher-directed and introduces the vocabulary and TEKS skills covered in the lesson and modeling the examples provided.

WE DO is interactive with the teacher and student applying the knowledge and skills taught with students showing how to do the modeled TEK.

YOU DO gives the student the opportunity to do the skill independently to demonstrate the new learning and understanding.

Texas STAAR Publishing Company can play a huge part in the success of your students.

English or Spanish Math Workbooks Minimum of 15+ books per order @ $19.95 each Class set of 25+ books @ $15.95 each, includes a free answer key 
Dual Language Workbooks Minimum of 15+ books per order @ $26.95 each Class set of 25+ books

@ $21.95 each, includes a free answer key 
Answer Key One included with each class set of 25 books Additional answer keys

@$3.95 each 



Workbooks: English

Targeting STAAR Math in Texas Grade 1: Item # TSM E1

Targeting STAAR Math in Texas Grade 2: Item # TSM E2

Targeting STAAR Math in Texas Grade 3: Item # TSM E3

Targeting STAAR Math in Texas Grade 4 : Item # TSM E4

Targeting STAAR Math in Texas Grade 5 : Item # TSM E5




Workbooks:  Spanish

Targeting STAAR Math in Texas  (Español) Grade 2: Item #TSM S1

Targeting STAAR Math in Texas  (Español) Grade 2: Item #TSM S2

Targeting STAAR Math in Texas  (Español) Grade 3: Item #TSM S3




Workbooks: Dual Language

Targeting STAAR Math in Texas Grade 1: Item# TSM DL1

Targeting STAAR Math in Texas Grade 2: Item# TSM DL2

Targeting STAAR Math in Texas Grade 3: Item# TSM DL3


Answer Keys

Targeting STAAR Math in Texas Grade 1: Item # TSM AK1

Targeting STAAR Math in Texas Grade 2: Item # TSM AK2

Targeting STAAR Math in Texas Grade 3: Item # TSM AK3

Targeting STAAR Math in Texas Grade 4: Item # TSM AK4

Targeting STAAR Math in Texas Grade 5: Item # TSM AK5


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